Corporate know-how and logistics software, when industry experience makes the difference.
We are future-oriented, with solid roots behind us, thanks to more than 40 years of experience in the world of international freight forwarding, transportation, customs and logistics. Among the pioneers in Italy to introduce the Cloud in 1998, we have been ahead of the times ever since thanks to the BeOne solution. Being innovative is a vocation, which is why we have never stopped looking ahead and feeding our corporate kwow-how: today as then, we do it with the same enthusiasm and thanks to our Research and Development Center we continue to guarantee our customers a continuous evolution of the application platform on which they operate. In this interview that I would like to share with you, made a few years ago by Valerio Avesani, who was at the Head of our company for a long time, Nova Systems' history and experience in the industry is well described: a journey through these 40 years that has seen Nova Systems always being one step ahead.
Riccardo Tarocco
“We don’t know what the world will look like in ten years. But we know that we will be ready and we will be ready ahead of time.”
Valerio Avesani
The history of Nova Systems is distinguished by some important innovative steps that have revolutionized the IT sector and, as a result, also that of the world of transport, shipping, and logistics. From perforated cards and teleprocessing to cloud systems, Nova Systems has always been to the forefront in offering its clients avant-garde solutions which are continually being updated. The latest result of Nova Systems' development centre is the BeOne Cloud Forwarding Suite, the IT solution for international couriers, transporters, and logisticians, with its multiple applications potential, and which is scalable and independent of the size of the businesses.
“Valerio Avesani, CEO of Nova Systems, has said that "In any corner of the world connected to the Internet we are present and we can offer our solutions".
How did the firm start up?
In 1981 a new world of IT applications was opening up. The batch era was ending and that of teleprocessing was starting: computers could at last link up terminals, with real-time transactions, to a central unit. In those years one of the main firms in Italy to have acquired a processor with these characteristics was Centro S.p.a., the data processing centre belonging to Albarelli S.p.a., then a well-known transport firm of which I was head of EDP. The market needed to have these applications and, given that we were among the first to program software with new languages, we were asked to realize systems based on teleprocessing. Consequently in 1981, together with other expert in this field, we founded Nova Systems.
Since then Nova Systems has always been a forerunner in the IT sector
Three years later we became a business partner of IBM. Already at the time we used systems that allowed businesses with various branches to be linked, through the networks, to a single central processor. A completely innovative way of working. The firms in the transport and international forwarding sectors were those who were most interested in the system.

From teleprocessing to CASE tool and to cloud, Nova Systems' evolution has been characterized by various important innovative steps forward.
The basic steps happened in the 1990 when we were the first Italian firm to adopt CASE tool software development, which really was revolutionary at the time. At first we were considered mad by our competitors, but in the space of a few years everyone adopted our solution. However, the real turning point came about in 1998 when we introduced cloud for the first time in Italy.
How did the idea of using cloud come about?
That year I went to see a client in Udine. We were about to use Euros as a single currency and to enter the new millennium. In order to deal with these epochal events businesses had to undergo some onerous technical updating. "Why doesn't Nova Systems offer a solution to all its clients from a single platform and itself shoulder all the necessary investments and sharing out the costs among all its interested clients?" my client asked. That moment a spark was struck and, after six months, we began with our first cloud client.
Over the year the firm has evolved notably and now it aims at internationalization, always offering its services with cloud computing.
For some time we had been thinking about an international-scale solution and the fact of offering our servicing using cloud computing has led us to this kind of initiative. Nova Systems' main current markets are Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Mexican, but our firm, which already has clients in every continent, aims to open to all markets throughout the world. The aim is to create a business that is increasingly international, and that in this way gives work to many people while keeping its capital in Italy.
What is Nova Systems other strong point?
Firms also choose us because of our experience which derives from the fact that Nova Systems' experts come from the sector of international transporters and know perfectly the work that our clients have to undertake. This is an enormous advantage for Nova Systems in such a specialized market. To this must be added the extreme professionalism of our software technicians and the total integration of all the modules: the BeOne Cloud Forwarding Suite is the result of this; it is highly performative and secure and, in a world that is constantly evolving, it is being constantly updated with IT links to and from its agents and branch offices thus creating a database that can allow international transporters to give a prompt service to its clientele.
Why was it necessary to offer your new NovAcademy service?
Our clients can count on the support of the NovAcademy for continuously updating their collaborators, with scheduled courses throughout the year in which individual businesses can enroll those employees who want to improve their knowledge of the operative aspects of individual modules and of all the new functions in order to give a better answer to their clients' requests.
A solution with many opportunities for firms in the sector of international shipping, logistical transporting, and logistics. What does it consist of?
The BeOne Cloud Forwarding Suite is a unique solution on the market; it is integrated with all the activities that an international shipper, transporter, or logistician might need to offer their clients; air, sea, and land traffic, customs operations, accountancy, management control, business intelligence, CRM, spot offers, tariffs, and the electronic archiving of documents, all in order to guarantee their services, even via the web, with the aim of always being in the vanguard in a market in continual evolution.