Better organize your workflow
"Follow the Flow. If you are involved in groupage transportation, the BeOne solution may be for you. Nova Systems has developed the National Overland module to facilitate the activities of operators in national distribution.
The software can simplify LTL transportation management, from issuing spot offers and rates through shipping and inbound and outbound lists to Cross Docking, invoicing, accounting and much more. All this through fully integrated, easy-to-use software.Here is the workflow you can set up in the national distribution business.

With BeOne it is possible to issue spot offers to customers, setting up in a simple and intuitive way all the data necessary for the quantification of the requested transport. The data is entered into the system and through the history you can keep track of all the offers issued and those accepted, visualizing how they have evolved over time and with the possibility thus to make quotations even more in line with the needs of the company.
In addition, BeOne's CRM module allows for multiple revenue rates to be managed for each customer, which allows for the automatic valuation of shipping charges directly in the billing phase of the file. The rates can be specific to an individual customer or can be defined as a company price list (standard rates), from which customized rates can be derived on a customer-by-customer basis, without having to re-enter the entire price list data, but only managing the pricing particularities for that specific company.

The shipment can be created manually or received telematically through EDIs. The forwarding can be linked to the previously issued offer to maintain the economic information agreed with the customer. At this stage the shipment, based on the sender and receiver master information, is automatically assigned to the routing lines. Pickup, incoming and outgoing shipments are handled, with the possibility of outgoing pre-processing for delivery groupings

The National Overland module allows management of incoming lists and notices from correspondent and EDI receipt of shipment data. At the same time, pickup, pickup/delivery lists can be managed, and the dispatcher can also include the shipment on the loading list by simply dragging and dropping it.
BeOne Load List management allows the arrangement of the departure list to lead the goods to correspondent's hub or at another branch of the company; in the first case an EDI data send can be generated, to transfer all the data of the load to the correspondent, while in the second case the goods are automatically transferred between the first and second branch, going from the departure list to create an arrival list at the destination branch. 
BeOne allows the status of the shipment to be monitored. The system automatically generates progress statuses as the shipment is handled in the system, from arrival at the first hub, through the various warehouse movements, to when the shipment is delivered. Updates can be notified to the client, via Communication Management, via email or SMS.
These statuses can also be received from the computer systems of the partners who manage deliveries on behalf of the company. BeOne will take care of returning, according to the configurations set up, the statuses to the various parties involved.

For the transit of shipments in the warehouse, Nova Systems has developed in BeOne the integrated functionality of Cross Docking, which enables the management of activities carried out in the transit warehouse, through different types of Missions. This is done through special radio frequency terminals.
The use of internal and/or external (third-party generated) parcel markers enables the control of individual packages from arrival to placement in the warehouse and departure of goods.
Would you like to learn more about the LTL software module for groupage transportation management?

With BeOne's National Overland Module, you can issue the following documents: pickup slip, delivery slip, waybill, waybill with immediate invoice. Moreover, incoming lists, pickup lists, pickup/delivery, delivery and departure lists.

With BeOne you can issue an immediate or cumulative periodic invoice. The software allows you to enhance shipping to generate invoices using spot offers or special customer revenue rates, with the option of using standard articulated rates.

In the area of management control, BeOne's Business intelligence enables comprehensive analysis of all shipping-related activities, suppliers used and any internal costs. Thanks to the tools of the BeOne Analytics module, it is possible to obtain a timely analysis of the company's performance. The data to be analyzed are those typical of the National Land scope, but all types of statistical analysis from a strategic point of view are possible. Through the corresponding cost rates and carriers, it is possible to automatically calculate the costs of each individual shipment. The forecast costs obtained in this way make it possible, at a later stage, to carry out the control of supplier invoices, as well as feeding the management control part in real time.

Through integration with BeOne's Collaboration Platform, your customer can monitor shipment status in real time, through Track & Trace. The module also allows the customer to be able to independently download the delivery outcome of shipments, Proof of Delivery (POD), the entry of the Goods Pickup Request and the Shipping Prepayment, with related pickup information.