Better organize your workflow
Looking for a solution for the world of shipping agencies?
Thanks to recent innovations introduced by Nova Systems, BeOne proves to be the ideal software for shipping, port and forwarding agents.
Why can we affirm this?
Thanks to the Shipping Agency module, it is possible to obtain the issuance of policies, freight accounts and all manifests related to shipping agency operations. BeOne also enables you to analyze costs and revenues by vessel voyage and company, dossier, policy, and management of expenses and collections against the ship's expenses account.
The Gallozzi Group has also chosen to follow the workflow with BeOne. An approach that can facilitate every activity, including customs operations management, invoicing and management control.
Here is the workflow you can set up in the shipping agency management.

With BeOne's CRM the user can manage customers' revenue rates to calculate freights, auxiliary costs, with the ability to issue freight accounts.
With this functionality, it is also possible to manage the companies tariff costs; and all other suppliers involved in the shipment, including the customs broker, carrier, container terminal, and warehouse.

The software can manage every vessel that transits through the shipping agency's port of reference. Individual vessel voyages can be created and coordinated, for which the ship owning company requires specific services from the agency, which can be provided either at docking or upon the vessel's departure. Activities are recorded within the BeOne solution as operations to be performed and as costs and/or revenues contextual to the provision of the requested service.

The services requested by the ship owning company at the time of docking or departure go into what is known as the vessel dossier, a file in which all costs incurred by the agency on behalf of the shipowner in providing the requested services are recorded.
In the vessel dossier it is possible to issue the disbursement account, which is the evidence of the expenses incurred by the agency on behalf of the shipowner. The agency also can re-invoice any additional revenues, such as agency commissions, which go into analytical revenue movements within the file, therefore making. It is possible to verify that each expense incurred has been properly billed to the shipowner and is given the possibility to monitor the profitability that the agency is getting on the file being processed.
Through BeOne's Management Control and Supplier Invoice Verification module, projected cost amounts can be recorded and then summarized with the invoices received from the various parties involved in providing the services requested by the shipowner.

Each agency dossier is preliminary to the issuance of the booking requested from its client and is thereafter used to compose the vessel's loading or unloading lists, placement orders and any other document that is requested during the dossier processing cycle, including the invoicing phase.
BeOne's Shipping Agency module makes it possible to manage loading and unloading lists visually, by going to the loading or unloading handling of containers that are part of the dossiers. The shipping agent, with a simple drag-and-drop operation, can insert or exclude a dossier within the vessel by simply dragging and dropping it inside.
Want to learn more about the shipping agency management software module?

Once the loading and unloading lists have been generated, a series of documents can be issued on behalf of the shipping company. It is possible to calculate, through specific rates, freight accounts and subsequently print or e-mail them. The shipping agent is also able to issue Bill of Lading, Way Bill and House Bill of Lading policies on behalf of the shipping company in the printing format requested by the maritime company, numbering the documents according to the companies' standard. From the loading or unloading lists, freight or unfreight manifest and cargo manifest can be issued on behalf of the shipping company.

BeOne's Shipping Agency module provides several standard EDI messages used in communication between those involved in the management of loading and unloading practices. It is thus possible to send or receive manifests from the shipping company or other ports.
This allows the automatic sending of policies, dossiers, manifests, delivery orders, positioning orders, and customs instructions to other port authorities, port maritime agents, shipping companies, container terminals, or other external parties such as customers, carriers, and customs operators. The shipping agent can receive information from container terminals, such as date and time of container exit, cargo unit identification number, seals affixed, and VGM.

The shipping agency module, in Italy, is integrated with BeOne's Customs module and allows, from the agency dossiers, the automatic creation of customs bills. It is possible to monitor directly from the dossiers the customs status of each individual container or consignment of goods and to archive all the documents issued. The same thing is made possible in international markets, thanks to integration with the various market players that provide ERP solutions for customs operations.
When invoicing the dossier, BeOne allows all anticipated customs duties in the various customs operations issued against the dossier to be invoiced.
The Shipping Agency module also integrates with customs manifests, from which entire arriving or departing manifests can be generated from the shipping agency's ship voyage.

BeOne enables the automatic calculation of freight and additional costs, company and agency fees and the related billing of the various amounts, through special revenue rates that are managed by the CRM module. It is also possible to issue billable spot bids within the shipping agency's dossier.

BeOne's management control is integrated seamlessly with the Shipping Agency module. From the company file, it is possible to record forecast costs, which are then reported through the supplier invoice verification feature. In addition, BeOne's Business Intelligence allows for a more in-depth analysis of all activities managed by the shipping agency and makes it possible to monitor the economic performance of each file and each individual vessel voyage managed.